Rock's Studio
Digital Printmaking


All images copyright © Stephen Rock and can not be reproduced in any form without written permission.


Early Digital Work

Bright Lights of the City
Bright Lights of the City 2004
48"h x 36"w
mixed media digital work on canvas

Early Digital Works

Much of this work explores motivation, aesthetic and process in the new digital studio. I have evolved from early photo collage/montage work with original photographic images to digitaly created images which use the scanner as capture device. By using the lense of the scanner to experiment with 3-D subjects, I have found that the artifacts created by this process can be carved and altered to create moods and lend emotion to otherwise lifeless objects

Alchemy of Life

A series of images inspired by a walk along Loman Beach in Seattle. Taking organic elements and sculpting them with direct scans to produce a connection between input, emotion and process.


Objects from the Shed

Common objects of personal relivance become more than their utilitarian shell when transformed through the alchemy of the digital process.



Artifacts of Living

Images of the relationships in my life represented by their hands. I asked people to "perform" for me in a box made to sit on top of my scanner for this 1997 project.



Architects of Light

After a couple visits to New York City in the late 90's, I came away with an intense sense of the energy of the city and the scale of it's buildings and myths.